Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Secret Sauce of Innovation

April 9, Media X at Stanford featured me describing some elements of innovation as shared in the forthcoming book, HP Phenomenon. The website, has the video from that evening posted as of this week. Beware -- it is an hour long, so I should break it into segments for this blog. For now, though, it is there, under Spring Lecture Series.

We had a very nice audience in the Wallenberg Learning Theatre in the Main Quad at Stanford. The Q & A was particularly engaging. The slide screen captures are especially nice, done on the new NCast streaming video recorder (see ) which has been graciously donated to the Stanford Learning Center. See what you think...

The Media X lecture series is a biweekly public forum, open to interested folk in the area. Many of the lectures are captured and available later on the website. Some are proprietary, available for members only.


Paul Leclerc said...

Absolutely inspiring talk. I am so excited to read the book when it comes out. Maybe you can start selling PDF versions of the book before your 2009 dead tree publish date?

I'm wondering if HP isn't falling into the Agilent trap though. You mentioned that Agilent has sold away its future for a stable future. It is now half the size it was when we spun it off. HP is seriously "de-investing" in HP Labs and general R&D. I'm not sure how many groups are looking at the E,F and G phases of your product development model.

And you're right... HP paid an incalculable psychological cost under Carly but that it's starting to come back.

chuck said...

thanks for the kudos. It was overly long, with too many slides. I have to learn how to "chunk" it better. There is a lot of skepticism right now about HP's new approach to R&D, yes. But there was a minimal track record the past few years the other way as well.

A colleague, Patrick Yam, and I are wrestling with this question under his name of ROL = Return on Location, by which he means that small investments, done in out-of-the-way locales have a much better chance of success than they do in a "big environment" (read Silicon Valley). So the question is, would the LaserJet or the Desktop Calculator or the HP250 or the RLC Tester or the Logic Analyzer or the Liquid Chromatograph have happened in Palo Alto/Cupertino?